Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Horoscope- Aries

Today is a reflection of the past, but that doesn’t mean you’re trapped in a loop. If you don’t like where you are, perform acts of kindness to improve your karmic balance. Things should pick up soon!

Wake Up Call

English Class

We have a research paper due next week sometime... and he doesn't know how to explain anything.  He lectures the whole time, which is very boring and then when he is done before anyone could ask questions the class is already 10 Min's early and I'm rushing to make my next class.   I wish he wouldn't lecture the whole time and let us work on our papers and he could just be there to help us..  An 8 page paper i want to get an A on but it looks like I'm not gonna do very well.  I guess I'm going to have to take it to the writing center for help.... but AHH 8 pages:/ that's going to be a hard one.  oh and by the way i didn't get to pick the topic... BIG SURPRISE he did, and its about FOOD... i don't even know where to begin... FML

what the class looks like eveyday :/

Wish I Could Rewind...

High School
 Senior Prom, Senior Spring Break 2010, & Football Games!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Final Four Baby!

UK's Basketball team beat the  number one team Ohio State on Friday night, and they had a game Sunday evening. That same UK team who beat Ohio State beat North Carolina, with toward the end was a very close game.  However,  This was what happened in Lexington last night:

State Street Lexington Ky... A Couch burned in the middle of the street!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ever since I was a little kid, my dad would always ask what my plans were for the weekend on Wednesday.  I used to think that's so early and I don't really know... however if i wouldn't have told him than I would be staying home all weekend.  My dad didn't like last min plans.  On the other hand, I'm in college now and I catch myself trying to make plans before the weekend starts, on WEDNESDAYS, the day my dad used to always ask me what my plans are.  But the thing I get the most frustrated about is that GUYS, don't make plans.  They go with the flow and dont care to know what they are doing until the time comes... It could be a Friday night and we are sitting on the couch and plans still arnt made, we are trying to figure things out.  This makes me so mad!!! i hate not knowing the plans a few days before the weekend stresses me out majorly.


Perfect Days

It's the week back from spring break and im not ready to be back.  The weather reminds me of FL :/  and im wishing i was there right now.  My Friend and I walked to Qdoba yesterday and it couldnt have been a more perfect day!!  Honestly Im hoping that tomorrow and the rest of the month will stay this worm, but i highly doubt it. i looked at the forcast for the weekend and it is going to go down to the 40s :[ maybe this will be the last colder weekend!